
Showing posts from May, 2010

One way twitter is changing how we communicate.

I assume when most people think of Twitter, they think of random boring information being sent into the Aether and just wasting space. I'm going to give two examples of a way that Twitter is not only useless but changing the way we communicate. On the 22nd of April Brian Tinsman and Erik Lauer, the lead designers of the latest Magic the Gathering expansion held a dev chat about said expansion. In general, it was terrible, not because of Erik or Brian, but because the questions were horrid. The next day, @mtgaaron (Aaron Forsythe - Director of R&D for Magic) did his own Q&A, he did it on Twitter. It was shorter in duration but significantly better than the dev chat, the reason for this is that Aaron could filter out the cruft questions, and answer the questions he found he could answer. Today @PeteCarroll (Pete Carroll - Head Coach of the Seattle Seahawks) did the same thing. He tweeted who's got questions? gonna answer some for the next few minutes... fire away...